Ready to Get Started? There’s No Better Time Than Now!

There is no better time than right now to begin your training. All you need to do is fill out the enrollment form below. If you have any questions about the form, any questions about our ministry, or any questions about our classes, you can contact Apostle Dr. Carolyn Fields by calling 814-410-2592, or by emailing

School for the Prophets meets once a month. At each meeting, you’ll receive hands-on training from Dr. Fields. Dr. Fields has been a pastor since 1998 and is fulfilling her calling as a prophet and apostle of God. Carolyn’s aim is to help and train others who feel they are called to do the same. Prophetic gifts need to be taught by someone with experience operating out of that gift, and School for the Prophets offers up an opportunity for you to learn how to access and use your gift the way God intends. If you’re ready to fulfil your calling, to go out unto the world and be a prophet and apostle for God, go ahead and fill out the short enrollment form below. Dr. Fields will contact you directly once your application has been submitted!